Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Shelter Island 10K Weekend BBQ

Dollarhide style fire roasted fennel and red cabbage. Apply generous amounts of butter and salt and fresh herbs, wrap in tinfoil and bury in hot coals for about an hour. The fennel was seasoned with tarragon; the cabbage with sage.

Pork loin with basil orange tapenade from the Seven Fires cookbook, grilled green chili peppers and squash, Alice Waters style beet salad, and grilled pineapple seasoned with cayenne, chili powder, cinamon and lime juice. We cut the pineapple into longitudinal slabs and then trimmed the skin and spines. After grilling the core was completely tender and edible. I filled an old spice jar with the spice mixture and used it to sprinkle seasoning onto the slabs of pineapple on the grill.